Frank Schimmelfennig
Frank Schimmelfennig is Professor of European Politics and a member of the Center for Comparative and International Studies at ETH Zurich. He is also a member of the Swiss National Research Council, an Associate of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, and Chairman of the Scientific Board of Institut für Europäische Politik Berlin.
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Frank Schimmelfennig
Christian Freudlsperger
Christian Freudlsperger is an assistant professor, affiliated with the EUROBORD project. He is also an affiliate research fellow at the Jacques Delors Centre of the Hertie School in Berlin. Christian’s research interests lie at the intersection of European integration, comparative federalism, and political development. He is particularly interested in theories of polity formation, core state power integration in the EU, policy implementation in multi-level systems, EU trade policy, and German EU policy.
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Christian Freudlsperger
Marius Ghincea
Marius Ghincea is a postdoctoral researcher in the EUROBORD project. His research focuses on the geopolitics of European integration and the effects of great power competition in the EU's external and internal re-bordering processes. Additionally, Marius investigates the domestic politics of foreign and security policy, with a particular emphasis on European case studies.
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Marius Ghincea
Alessia Invernizzi
Alessia Invernizzi is a postdoctoral researcher in the EUROBORD project, where she investigates how crises influence European boundary configurations and the geopolitics of economic border closures within the EU. She leads the data collection on boundary control resources and brings expertise in quantitative research methods. Alongside her work on EUROBORD, Alessia continues her research on international political economy, focusing on trade and sanctions. She recently completed her doctoral thesis at the University of Konstanz, which explored strategic interests in contemporary protectionism.
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Alessia Invernizzi
Jana Lipps
Jana Lipps is a postdoctoral researcher in the EUROBORD project. Her research interests cover contemporary issues of international governance and in particular its normative problems such as democracy, freedom, and inequality. She studies how European countries cooperate to securitize borders, and what conditions public support for border hardening. Jana is also an affiliated researcher with the Borders and Boundaries Project at Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania.
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Jana Lipps
Mohamed Nasr
Mohamed Nasr is a postdoctoral researcher in the EUROBORD project. Mohamed investigates the role of political parties in politicizing EU boundaries and leads data collection for the working package on political parties. Mohamed's research interests include party competition, political behavior, and public opinion. Empirically, he is interested in quantitative methods, experiments, and text-as-data methods.
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Mohamed Nasr
Aydin B. Yildirim
Aydin B. Yildirim is a postdoctoral researcher in the EUROBORD project. He specializes in political economy and international relations. His research in the context of EUROBORD focuses on the impact of open border policies on European Union trade policy and the role of economic globalization in shaping the preferences of European societal actors over economic policy making.
Personal Website Institute Website
Aydin B. Yildirim
Buket Buse Demirci
Buket Buse Demirci is a doctoral student in the EUROBORD project. Before her PhD Studies, she obtained an MA in Comparative and International Studies from ETH Zurich and a BSc in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from King’s College London. In light of her moral and academic interest in migration-related social issues, she investigates the institutional development of the EU, i.e. whether it has followed a Rokkanian trajectory, as well as the potentially divergent effects of European community-building on different migrant communities. In general, her research interests lie in human rights, sociopolitical changes, and political economy.
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Buket Buse Demirci
Pit Rieger
Pit Rieger is a doctoral student in the EUROBORD project. Prior to his Ph.D. studies, he obtained a M.Sc in statistics from ETH Zurich and holds a B.Sc. in social science. He is interested in the politicization of EU borders and their implications for public attitudes. More generally, Pit's research interests include coalition governments, electoral studies, public opinion, and quantitative methods.
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Pit Rieger

Previous Members

Ronja Sczepanski
Ronja Sczepanski was a postdoctoral researcher in the EUROBORD project. She is currently an Assistant Professor in political science at Sciences Po Paris. Her research expertise lies in the causes and consequences of political identity change. Specifically, she examines the role of perceptions of politics within the process of identity formation and change. Within the project, she examines how political identities can influence the perceptions of border agencies, what bordering preferences citizens have and what attitudes and emotions moderate these preferences. To test these questions, she employs survey experiments and text-as-data approaches.
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Ronja Sczepanski