Bordering Europe: Boundary Formation in European Integration

EUROBORD is an ERC-funded research project that studies European integration in a bordering perspective. It analyzes the closure and control of the European Union’s internal and external boundaries since the 1980s and across a variety of issue-areas. EUROBORD aims at developing a novel dataset and theory describing and explaining the 'debordering' and 'rebordering' of the EU and its political development.

See details for our upcoming workshop here.

Project Overview ETH Institute Website


Follow the link below for more information on published articles and working papers.

Publications & working papers
Freudlsperger, Christian & Sophie Meunier (2024)
Journal of Common Market Studies
Schimmelfennig, Frank (2024)
Journal of European Public Policy


Data from the project will be made available as soon as possible. Currently, only a tool for visualizing a selection of boundary gaps and transactions is available.

Visualize Download